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Writer's picture: Brewer HicklenBrewer Hicklen

What if I told you average is okay?

My whole life I was always told average is a disease and you should fear falling under the “average category.” I believed it. I constantly strived to be the best in everything I did. I built this competitive nature that strived to be the best in school, sports, and everything I did. I was that kid that would pitch a fit if I got beat (I am sure there can be plenty of you to testify to this).

While I am grateful for this competitive nature and it has helped me get to where I am today, it wasn’t until the other day that God put the thought that sometimes “ordinary is enough” in my head.

After studying Acts 3, God uses Peter to heal a lame man in the city of Jerusalem. After the miracle, the whole city was eager to see how Peter did this. Peter began to preach the gospel and give the credit to God. Once the elders and teachers of the law saw this, they arrested him for this.

They begin to interrogate Peter for his actions. In Acts 4:12 he confidently says, “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.”

Verse 13 says, “When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus” and released them from prison.

So what can we learn from this?

God can use ordinary people. It does not matter how many degrees you have, what position you have in your company, or how many times you have been to church, you still can have INFLUENCE! God does not keep charts on favorites.

People’s misconception is to believe they don’t have the qualifications to be like Peter…

- I don’t know enough scripture to go around talking about Jesus. I am not prepared if someone asks me a hard question. (I have been there and still battle with this)

- I messed up last week and they saw me at my worst. They are just going to call me a hypocrite. (We all are hypocrites, you are not alone)

- I haven’t read my bible or gone to church in a few months. (I have been through streaks where I did not touch my bible for weeks)

Well the good news is… THE UNQUALIFIED ARE QUALIFIED in His eyes!

There are so many things I have done that I feel disqualify me to be worthy in God’s eyes. But God  told me when I was reading this to ignore the lies that tell me I am not good enough. I have to realize the gifts that God has equipped me with: His Grace, His Forgiveness, His Love, and His Power.

I am praying now that you find significance in your life and a new desire to live your life for Christ.

Pastor Chris always says, “God does not call the equipped, he equips the called.” You are called!

We are always going to fall short of perfection when comparing ourselves to Jesus, but don’t let this be an excuse not to live a BOLD, spiritual life.

When you have this BOLD, spiritual mindset you will fear the thought of being average, because you will realize God calls you to be MORE. You will strive for perfection. You will want to be the best Christian you can be; BUT, you will realize that regardless of your actions, God can use you.

Be like David, an unqualified man, taking on Goliath, believing in the POWER of God and took him down!

God Bless and Strive For Greatness!

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